Le Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 09:23:15AM +0900, Charles Plessy a écrit :
> But first of all, if you have a pre-release of 6.5.0 available, I would
> be pleased to test it and report potential build issues on Debian.

Sorry for the repeated posting; I forgot to mention that we would be greatly
helped in our packaging of EMBASSY, if the version numbers could be incremented
at each modification of the source tarball.  Currently some packages such as
domainatrix and related words receive updates of the build system at each
EMBOSS release, but stay at version 0.1.0, which causes us to use version
numbers such as 0.1.0+20110714, and makes us incapable of automatically detect

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
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