On 6/4/19 8:42 AM, schoone...@gmail.com wrote:

On 04/06/19 13:05, emc-developers-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 14:45:28 -0500
From: John Thornton<bjt...@gmail.com>
To: EMC developers<emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Emc-developers] Merge Just One Commit Up
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

How do you merge just your special commit from 2.7 to 2.8 to master?

I use git, git-gui, and gitkraken.

 From whatever branch you want it included in:

git cherry-pick <SHA of commit you want>

This does have the effect of getting that single commit into the destination branch, but i think it would be a mistake to use cherry-pick for the use case John is asking about.

Cherry-pick creates a new commit with the same patch and commit message as the original but with a new parent (the destination branch tip that you're cherry-picking onto). This can cause trouble in two ways:

1. It makes it harder to search for changes with things like "git branch --contains $SHA". The cherry-picked commit won't show up, since it's got a different SHA than the original.

2. It can introduce confusion during a later proper merge. The old source branch (2.7 in John's question) will still get merged into the destination branch (2.8) at some point in the near future. Having the same patch already applied, with any merge conflicts resolved, can cause more merge conflicts.

Since the real merge has to happen anyway, IMO it's much better to not mess with cherry-picking and just do the merge.

All of this advise is specifically for the situation John asked about, where a commit from an older branch needs to move up to newer branches. In this situation, merge is preferable over cherry-pick.

In other situations, for example when a commit was made on a newer branch (let's say 2.8) but really belongs on an older branch (2.7), cherry-pick is the correct answer. The work flow in this situation would be to cherry-pick the commit from 2.8 to 2.7, then merge 2.7 back into 2.8 to address any merge conflicts that might arise.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

Emc-developers mailing list

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