> 1. Could the normal component period variable be
> implemented in a HOMECOMP?  Currently its not supported.

servo_period is included in the homing.h:homing_init() function:

A user-built homing module that supports custom homing
functionality for some joints *and* conventional/legacy
LinuxCNC functions for other joints has required
replicating many parts of homing.c in the custom module.

i have been working on a new branch that simplifies
inclusion of code from homing.c to allow unmodified
and/or augmented use of any of the base homing api

The example homecomp.comp has been updated to
demonstrate methods to select conventional or custom
api functions for each joint according to hal pin

Ref: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/commits/dgarr/homebase

(lightly tested, runtests passes)
(The api (homing.h) is not changed)

Dewey Garrett

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