Dear Gene,

Am 07.08.2022 um 15:46 schrieb gene heskett:
There may be a place or 3 where I consider
the docs a bit opaque, but that is as much as I feel qualified to say,
mainly because my formal
indoctrination in the schools of this once great country ceased after
the 8th grade. I quit
because they were seriously holding me back

I'll be 88 in October, the place is paid off, has been for 23 years so
I'm rattling
around around by myself these days.

You need someone with a better knowledge of the language than I have.

This may come some 75 years late, but you have just proven yourself to
be perfectly capable to write long, well-structured texts. And I likely
speak in the name of everyone on this list (and the future members of
this list) when I say, please contribute to the documentation wherever
and whenever you see fit.

I happily help out with any technical issues, be it per eMail or via
synchronized via some shared screen.


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