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Subject: Re: [Emc-developers] A vision for working now to LinuxCnc version 10
Date:   Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:53:31 -0800
From:   chris morley <>
To:     Johannes P Fassotte <>

On 2022-12-02 10:38, Johannes P Fassotte wrote:
 That requirement is secure distributed networking interfaces for all user interfaces and implemented as plugins for LinuxCnc.

As such I would like to see plugin code developed to allow user interfaces to have full control of LinuxCnc, along with consolidated status and errors with plugin interfaces for Python, C/C++ and NML.

Are you talking distributed as in across network or distributed as in individual distributed packages?

With such a plugin system for user interfaces there is no need to include anything related to user interface development withing LinuxCnc code itself since those are all handled as completely separate projects by the various UI developers.
I guess in my mind this is already true -Qtpyvcp is a separate project that is added to linuxcnc is it not?

I don't understand why I see so much resistance in getting such a relatively simple thing done by the experts in LinuxCnc development. Everyone knows that distributed networking is extremely viable so there should be no reason not to implement this concept for interfacing with UI's. You cannot keep on adding UI development things to LinuxCnc without it becoming a big big mess. I think to do so is just due to hardheadedness.

Probably because its a actually a lot of work on code that require specialized knowledge.

I also don't see the 'big mess' part.

i think it's somewhat of an advantage to have everything needed to use linuxcnc under one project.

For instance i as a mostly ui guy, needs to know almost nothing about packaging and make files.

This lowers the bar to being a developer on the project.

There is surely some disadvantages too - you are not completely free to do whatever you want or even whats best.

Lets develop the UI plugin interface concept for LinuxCnc version 10 that allows UI interfaces to run as a distributed data system and which at the same time simplifies maintaining LinuxCnc a thousand fold and also reducing the size of its footprint.

I'm not sue it simplifies it - just distributes it among more projects. Again advantages and disadvantages


Its up you, the LinuxCnc developers and also the UI developers to  get started on implementing something like this for LinuxCnc version 10! You are all the experts and developing the standard code for this is likely not difficult. For those of us who are somewhat on the outside the development group we will have to do less customizing  work by not having to customize LinuxCnc to suit our desires and which causes a great deal of  update difficulties.

So one obvious way to help is to become a part of the linuxcnc group instead of staying on the 'outside'.

Now this can be a frustrating experience sometimes and you will have to compromise - a lot.

We are currently way too short on developers to do much big changes.

Another way is to develop on the side and work on getting it accepted.

But if your work massively overlaps on going work already in the project, expect resistance - that is just human nature.

In this case Kurt probably could have avoided this by not disappearing from qtvcp project. I don't remember any big fights with him. i very much enjoyed working with him at the time. looking back at it though, it does seem clear he always wanted to do his own thing - fair enough.

When you look at history there have been a number of warnings that this needed to be done a long time ago. One such example was the split and development of Machinekit which I feel was the direct result of developers being to stubborn to explore other points of view and their potential long term benefits. Just think about how much was lost by these two teams not being able to work together to resolve issues.

It is disappointing what happened with machinekit - In truth I think it should have happened earlier before feeling were hurt and walls were built up - so that we could come back together with the best of both.

Linuxcnc has always been a slow moving project. It's often frustrating. But it seems to have something that keeps it popular. I mean Qtpyvcp isn't using machinekit's network distributed ui system.


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