Interesting, I was taught this increases the risk of duplicate variable use:

void some_fcn(){
 int i=0;
  for(i=50; i<n;i--)){// foo}

void some_other_fcn(){
 int i=0;
  for(i=0; i<n;i++)){ some_fcn();}

 return; // Never gets called

I know different languages will declare a new variable in memory, but I try to 
keep similar paradigms between languages to not risk issues of scope.

For what its worth, I’ve actually stopped running linuxcnc on a realtime kernel 
since 5.14 for most of my development machines, and they’re running better than 
expected with sub 1ms cycle times on an i5-6600.
Both Ethercat and MESA cards have been happy with it. I sometimes get odd 
requests of “hey can you make a quick test for [pipetting|camera 
tracking|validate sensors|test motors|XYZ]”. That are only setup for a week, so 
I don’t bother compiling the RT kernel for a quick test setup.

I made this component for 3 unique mills with similar 5 axis heads which are in 
production running 5.15.129-rt67 (pre-empt), which Ethercat wanted some of the 
newer kernels for interfacing with the slave card. So at the of the day, if it 
needs to be changed for backwards compatibility so be it

Chad Woitas | Automation Developer

RMD Engineering Inc.<> | Saskatoon Machine Works 
Ltd.<> | Scientific Instrumentation 

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From: Rod Webster<>
Sent: September 20, 2023 3:48 AM
To: EMC developers<>
Subject: Re: [Emc-developers] RTAI broken again with LinuxCNC

I don't see why limit_axis.comp can't be revised to declare the int i; at
the top of the procedure which I was taught was best practice anyway. That
would solve the C11/C89 issue.
raster.comp needs stdlib.h for some of the conversion functions. It also
should include string.h for strchr() so it's still a bit sloppy. Surely
your compiler library includes could be modified or set in the ENV to
include these.
What version of linuxcnc are you using? I could not see the size error in
genserfuncs.c in master branch.

We really should not be taking responsibility for the RTAI kernel
compatibility. That has  to be their problem, not ours. The Linux Kernel
6.5 has been released so that seems to be 11 versions ahead of the last
RTAI compatible kernel. When do we accept that RTAI is really yesterday's
technology? Where is the port to Xenomai 4?

Rod Webster
*1300 896 832*
+61 435 765 611
Vehicle Modifications Network<>

On Wed, 20 Sept 2023 at 18:27, andy pugh <> wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Sept 2023 at 01:17, Alec Ari <> wrote:
> > Seriously though, the proper way to fix this is to not use c11/gnu11
> with 4.19 or 5.4 kernel sources.
> I think that the problem is that folk writing HAL components for
> LinuxCNC don't realise that they are writing "Kernel sources for
> kernel 4.19" and if they compile, build and test on uspace they won't
> see any problems.
> Is there any fundamental reason that _our_ kernel modules can't be
> compiled with gnu11 ?
> --
> atp
> "A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is
> designed for the especial use of mechanical geniuses, daredevils and
> lunatics."
> — George Fitch, Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, 1912
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