
prEN 50126-x-1994 is concerning about Railway applications:
Specification and demonstration of reliability, availability,
maintainability and safety (RAMS). The "x" describes the following

- Part 0: Dependability
- Part 1: RAM
- Part 2: Safety

This standard belongs to the category Quality Management
for railway applications.

I've never heard about EN 50127 and 50128  nor can I find
any information about it. Maybe somebody else can help with
these two standards.

Best regards,
Paris Dieker

This message has been sent by Paris Dieker,
@ Compaq Computer Europe, Middle East & Africa GmbH,

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Martin Ginty <> Wrote:
| Dear All
| Can anybody out there tell me what these standards are for?
| EN 50 126
| EN 50 127
| EN 50 128
| I think they have something to do with railways but I could be wrong.
| Thanks
| Martin Ginty

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