Probably the best filter for the OJ is the CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Bulletin which 
for about $400/year only reports matters of our interest plus telecom. The 
OJ is about $700/year and mostly deals with other subjects of no interest 
to us, and occasionally with standards stuff. The CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Bulletin 
comes from the "horses mouth' so to speak so you get the straight 
information without any prejudices.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Where can I find 92/59/EEC...
Author:  Non-HP-owner-emc-pstc ( at 
Date:    01/09/97 12:43 AM

Hi Jon,

You wrote:

>      Where do you get the EEC directives? 
>      I see some directives on web pages so I assume the directives are 
>      'free.'
>      I'm looking for 
>         92/59/EEC - General Product Safety Directive, 
>         85/374/EEC - Product Liability Directive.

Your local standards organisation should be able to sell you reprints 
from the OJ.

>      Where do you get the Official Journal of the European Communities?

The OJ is published daily!, and is quite big, and covers everything 
from knitting needles, to tax laws, to BSE, to use of corporate cars, 
to.....  it is a complete record of that day's business of the EU.

Organisations such as the ERA in the UK filter out the non techy 
dross, and can provide excerpts.  
ERA phone is +44(0) 1372 367000
            fax is    +44(0) 1372 377927

That may help a bit.

Chris Dupres
EMC Specialist. VG Microtech.
tel +44 (0) 1825 761077
fax +44 (0) 1825 768343
'Opinions expressed are personal, not necessarily Corporate'

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