You might want to track dowm Chuck Green of the greater San Jose area, formerly 
with IMI who was their EMI Engineer. He might know the survivors of these 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Spread spectrum clock oscillator
Author:  Non-HP-owner-emc-pstc ( at 
Date:    02/18/97 02:33 PM

There was an article on these in the 1994 IEEE Sym on EMC.  It was 
written by 3 authors from "Lexmark International, Inc.", Lexington, KY. 
So, if you can track them down you might get a lead.  In the
article they have a picture of an IMI chip, BTW.  

I have looked at emissions from a variety of personal computers with a 
spectrum analyzer over the last few years and they all seem to have the 
characteristic, wide-band, flat-top waveform that "SSCGs" produce.  So, 
I would guess that IMI isn't the only one that makes these.

I, for one, would also be very interested in having the names of some 
vendors and information on SSCG effectiveness.

Max Kelson 

%>Does anyone know of a source for a spread spectrum clock oscillator.  
%> We have a sample of a 20MHz spread spectrum oscillator that we find 
%> reduces radiated emissions readings from our products by several dB.  
%> The company name was IMI in Milpitas, California, but no longer 
%> exists.  Any leads to a similar product would be greatly appreciated. 
%>Darrell Upson
%>Xerox ColorgrafX Systems, Inc.

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