Scott Douglas wrote:

>Here's a problem for you all to think about and hopefully help solve.

>I have a room in the corner of my building where I perform EMI >pre-scans.
>Occasionally throughout the day I have a major interference show up on >my
>analyzer. It does not come from the EUT. This is broadband, from 30 MHz >to
>1 GHz, at levels up to 70 or 80 dBuv. It is not like a flat carrier but

My vote is for flourescent light fixtures in need of repair.  I had very 
similar problem.  I used an underground hallway for pre-compliance
Very low ambient.  Once in awhile ambient was swamped very broadband,
made testing impossible.  I went all around the plant looking for
sources. Even turned out the lights in shipping dept.  then went to turn
them back on and found out they were mercury or sodium and took 1/2 hour
to come back on! oops, sorry guys.

Turned out to be an emergency exit flourescent fixure right near my


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