A lot of info is on the web, search for FDA.  Then after you are completely 
confused call Walter Snesko at the FDA.  He has a toll free number 800 638 
extention 120.  Rgds Lou 

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Return-Path: <owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org>
From: sitar...@kodak.com
To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Cc: 2203...@knotes.kodak.com
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Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 08:02:02 -0400
Subject: FDA Modernization Program
Reply-To: sitar...@kodak.com

>From Lotus Notes user: Michael J Sitarski

Does anyone know about the FDA Modernization Program regarding Medical
Devices?  Does it pertain to EMC?  Can you direct me to a source of further
information?  Thank you in advance for your responses.

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