
I've recently been shown a standard published by a European group called
UNIPEDE titled "Automation and Control Apparatus for Generating Stations
and Substations - Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity Requirements" -
Ref# 23005Ren9523.

This standard generally adheres to the same requirements for immunity as
the CE-mark standards, however for ESD it requires 8kV contact and 15kV air
for HV substation environments. As is usually the case, there's no
rationale provided as to why these levels where chosen (something that
really annoys me about most standards).

Does anyone have suggestions as to why the authors of the standard would
expect worse ESD conditions in a substation than they seem to expect in an
air conditioned, carpeted office? (equipment in environments other than HV
substations only need meet 6kV contact, 8kV air according to this standard)

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Peter Poulos (Hardware Design Engineer)
Foxboro Australia     
42 McKechnie Drive, Eight Mile Plains, QLD, Australia  4113 
Tel:+61 (07) 3340 2118 Fax: +61 (07) 3340 2100 

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