Dear Colleagues,

Further to the thread on Cell Phone Hazards and Electromagnetic Field
Radiation in February, the UK Consumer Association Which? caused a stir
this week by claiming it has tested two hands free kits for Mobile
phones and found that they actually increased the radiation levels by
three fold.... 
The following link takes you to their Press Release on the subject:

As an Engineer I always strive for the scientific facts before arriving
at an opinion and having over 12 years experience of EMC/EMI testing
various products for compliance I know there are ways to pass the tests
and too fail them!  Without physically examining the test reports and
configurations that were used, I could not form an opinion as to the
validity of their claims.  I will contact them to see if they will
release a copy of the reports - unlikely but worth a try.

Please also be aware that the ACA (Australia) will extend the scope of
their existing EMR requirements from 1 May 2000, the arrangements will
be extended to all cellular mobile phone handsets, cordless phone
handsets and cradles, cellular mobile phone base stations, and satellite
mobile phone handsets that operate in the radiofrequency range 800 MHz
to 2.5 GHz.

ETSI is currently working on the issue of EMF radiation, but they are a
long way from agreeing a definitive set of requirements and test suites.

Best regards,

Edward Fitzgerald
Direct Tel. : +44 1202 20 09 22
GSM Tel. : +44 7768 53 31 00 
European Technology Services (EMEA)
Specialist Global Compliance and Regulatory Consultancy
Regional Offices in Australia, Canada and the UK. 
GLOBAL INtelLIGENCE Site <>  < > psst ... spread the word 

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Ma []
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:29 PM
Subject: Cell Phone Hazard - follow up


We had this subject two months ago. Today I just read some related news

titled as
FDA Issues Consumer Guidelines On Mobile Phone US
Mobile Phone Manufacturers Deny Charges Of A Cover Up
New Antenna Design Could Mitigate Health Concerns

Barry Ma
Anritsu Company


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