Sorry for the abrupt response but time is short and there are I believe
there are serious issues here.

If you would like to take some of these points off line please email me.

A Class III LASER is dangerous!

For UL/CSA you will need a FDA report. I have just completed just such a

For CE Marking you might use that report (some may disagree because if it
not of the EU).

If you even need a CB Report you will need a IEC 825 (Number??) LASER REPORT

An OPEN ???????  are there interlocks? - processes? - operating instruction?

The unit is definitely NOT a COMPONENT Nor can it ever be considered as

Even if it was a component you WOULD NOT be able to sent it round the world.
There are many differing requirements - I'll leave it to people better
qualified (like John Woodgate) to give you the details (please John).

P.O. Box 310, Reedville,
Virginia 22539  USA

Phone: (804) 453-3141
Fax: (804) 453-9039
free eLearning Solutions

If the product only was a component I would just send it around the
world but it can function as a product by just "adding a PC" to a RS 232

How should I tread this product when sending it to US/Canada ?

Can I just add a label on the product with a text like this:

    For evaluation purpose only  ?

And what about EU, the manufacturer is located in EU ?

Best regards,

Kim Boll Jensen
Bolls Raadgivning
Consultant in type approvals

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