The infamous Laser notice 50.

The following is Excerpted from Federal Register / Vol. 66,
No. 144 / Thursday, July 26, 2001 / Notices under the
heading titled, "Laser Products—Conformance with IEC
60825–1, Am. 2 and IEC 60601–2–22 (Laser Notice 50)."

"CDRH intends to amend its standards for laser products at
21 CFR  1040.10 and 1040.11 to harmonize many of its
requirements with those of the IEC 60825–1 and 60601–2–22

"This guidance supersedes: ‘Labeling of Laser Products,
August 15, 1995 (Laser Notice 45).’

"In order to receive ‘Laser Products—Conformance with IEC
60825–1, Am. 2 Conformance with IEC 60825–1, Am. 2' via your
fax machine, call the CDRH Facts-On-Demand system at
800–899–0381 or 301–827–0111 from a touch-tone telephone.
Press 1 to enter the system. At the second voice prompt
press 1 to order a document. Enter the document number
(1346) followed by the pound sign (#).

" under the index heading
for ‘Lasers, Including Light Shows’’ as a ‘‘Notices to
Industry.’ Scroll to number 92 in the list of notices."

When I went to the web site this morning, Laser Notice 50
was not yet included in the collection of Laser Notices.
Similarly, when I tried to use the fax back system, I was
told there is no such document.

On the bright side, a little digging revealed the document

The document allows latitude in many areas of 1040.10, but
still requires application of several other provisions in
1040.  It make the certification label look nasty.


Peter L. Tarver, PE
Product Safety Manager
Sanmina Homologation Services
355 E. Trimble Rd.
San Jose, CA 95131-1218
V: 408-474-1322
F: 408-474-1318
M: 408-234-3529

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