Hi John:

>   Can you tell me the typical power consumption of a desktop
>   VDU. For example a Sun workstation VDU rating plate indicates
>   220-230 V 1.5A. Rather than assume or guess a power factor
>   value, what would the power reading (Watts) be approximately
>   at 220V for nornal operation ? What power factor value 
>   would you attribute to a modern desktop VDU ?

I don't understand the question.  The third sentence 
doesn't want to guess a power factor, but the last 
sentence seems to want such a guess.

In order to guess the power, we need to guess at the
voltage, the current, and the power factor.

Current:  The rated current is pessimistic and will be 
    110% or more of the actual current.  Furthermore,
    the actual current will be a linear function of the 

Voltage:  If the nameplate ratings are quoted properly, 
    then the rated input current will be at 220 V, not 
    230 V.  

    If the manufacturer accounted for 220 - 10%, then
    the current is for 198 V.

    (If the nameplate includes 120 V, then the current
    *may* be the maximum current at 120 V, which will
    drastically reduce the value of the power.)

Power factor:  Most products today use switching-mode
    power supplies.  Power factor for SMPS will be in
    the neighborhood of 0.6, maybe less.

Power:  Using the above assumptions, the power input
    should be about:

    220 x 1.5/1.10 x 0.6  =  180 watts


    198 x 1.5/1.10 x 0.6  =  162 watts

So, my guess would be that the actual power consumption
is between 160 and 180 watts.

Best regards,

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