
You've described the poles-apart situations of regulatory compliance very well. 
 I've worked in both types of situations, and can say that my contribution and 
worth to the company in the first example far exceeds anything that can be 
achieved in a company of your last example.   I've felt underused and 
undervalued, and made haste to find another job.   "Educating" management just 
did not work when they have their minds set otherwise.

----- Original Message -----
From: Doug McKean
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:59 PM
To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Regulatory General Discussion : ouput of Compliance group

"Andre, Pierre-Marie" wrote:
> So has anybody some thoughts or argument on the measurement
> or evaluation of an Compliance Group  ?

Well, I'd hate to let the dirty little secret out of the bag for those
us who would fall under such and evaluation.  Important in such an
evaluation would be that the company has allowed the compliance
engineer to have significant input to the design/mfring processes.

I've been in companies where evaluations from the compliance
engineer amounted to nothing more than a suggestion.  Very
frustrating.  Other places had the compliance engineer greatly
involved as a signatory in product release and with ECR/ECOs.

Start with an ideal world where the compliance engineer has
complete planning, budgeting, signatory/approval powers with
the complete product cycle from prototype-to-product release-to
product obsolescence.  Consider that as the complete model.
Then, as the person has less and less involvement/approval
power in those areas, they are thus less responsible for them
and thus, they are not to be evaluated in those areas.

You'll probably find the typical compliance engineer ends up
in reality scheduling tests w/no approval powers, has input to
ECR/ECOs but no signatory powers, inputs into product
design by way of memos, sometimes are the last to know about
significant design changes, and might answer to someone who
knows little about compliance engineering.

IMO, evaluation would be difficult.

Regards, Doug McKean

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