Could someone explain to me or point in the right direction
for what CFR 21 Section 11 requirements in a product (such as
a disk storage system) for it to be compliant.

I think this is about records and electronic signature authentication
and has something to do with the FDA (CPG 7153.17).  It would seem to be
more of an application feature than a hardware requirement?

We are caught ignorant on this one and I dont have
a copy of the CFR 21, much less CPG 7153.17 (?!).  
We have found some info, but our layman understanding doesnt 
answer the question of what/how to comply.



Kyle Ehler  
Assistant Design Engineer
LSI Logic Storage Systems Div.
3718 N. Rock Road
U.S.A.  Wichita, Kansas  67226
Ph. 316 636 8657
Fax 316 636 8321

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