>-----Original Message-----
>From: djumbdenst...@tycoint.com [mailto:djumbdenst...@tycoint.com]
>Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 10:28 AM
>To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
>Subject: Low signal switching
>Hello Friends,
>I have an application in which I would like to switch system 
>signals on coax
>cables. One system is 80 to 1000 MHz, the other is 1-2 GHz.  I 
>have found
>coax switches by Narda, DB Products and Dow Key. Dow Key 
>indicates that the
>signals should be above -20 dBm to ensure that contact 
>resistance doesn't
>cause a problem.  The others do not spec or address low signal 
>issues. My
>branches operate at -35 dBm, 0 dBm and 50 dBm.  The 2 higher 
>values are not
>a problem, just the -35 dBm.  Are there other companies that 
>you are aware
>of that make 50 ohm coax switches that are specified to operate at low
>signal levels?  Other ideas?
>Best regards,
>Don Umbdenstock


The only ones I trust are the HP (now Agilent) coax relays. As for low-level
reliability, this is what is used in my HP automated data acquisition
system, and I have also seen them used in Watkins Johnson receivers. Both
applications are small-signal (-110 dBm), low-loss, high isolation, high
reliability applications. Did I mention that they're expensive?


Ed Price
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
Cubic Defense Systems
San Diego, CA  USA
858-505-2780  (Voice)
858-505-1583  (Fax)
Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty
Shake-Bake-Shock - Metrology - Reliability Analysis

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