In a message dated 4/21/2003 Marko writes:

I don't have much technical to add but was wondering why you are looking
into this standard. Have you customers that are asking for this requirement
to be met or is it simply a planning exercise? If it's customer-driven,
could you share what type of customer (ILEC, PTT, North America, European,
Asian, etc.)?

Hi Marko:

This issue was first brought to my attention by a client that makes DSL
equipment for a PTT customer in Asia.  However, it is likely to eventually
become a problem for compliance in Europe and South America, where the
regulatory requirements typically refer to K.20.

I think there may be a transition period, because many of the applicable
regulations refer specifically to earlier editions of K.20.  However, whenever
a regulation that references K.20 is updated, it typically calls out the
latest edition.

Joe Randolph
Telecom Design Consultant
Randolph Telecom, Inc.

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