Don Borowski at Schweitzer Engineering Labs wrote:

>> Loading up the PCI slots puts more capacitance on the PCI bus, slowing
logic transistions and thus reducing emissions. Quite likely loading up the
ISA slots will do the same thing, though emissions could go up.<<

Some years ago, a computer product I worked on generated a terrible 105 MHz
emission.  This was without too much trouble traced to the unterminated ISA
bus, which was resonant in that range; the bus drivers were tri-stated to
save power, and only turned on when a signal was detected, but the
resulting high impedance allowed noise to thereby trigger oscillation at
the bus resonant frequency.  As soon as a card was inserted, things quieted

An aside: Had we tested this only with the maximum configuration we would
have missed the problem - but 5 volts in the FM broadcast band would surely
have come to our notice later!



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