Oops! I forgot the link to the EMC paper. It is:



-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject:        Shielded loop parasitic coupling         
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date:   Wed, 04 Jun 2008 19:39:59 -0700  
From:   Douglas Smith <d...@emcesd.com> <mailto:d...@emcesd.com>         
Reply-To:       d...@dsmith.org  
Organization:   D. C. Smith Consultants  
To:     emc-pstc <emc-p...@ieee.org> <mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org> , SI-List
<si-l...@freelists.org> <mailto:si-l...@freelists.org>   

Hi Everyone,

I have posted the latest Technical Tidbit on my website http://www.dsmith.org
.  It should be interesting to EMC folks who use magnetic field probes and to
SI people as well since magnetic loops are very useful at finding board layout
issues by signal injection thorough mutual inductance. The link to the article
is the picture at the bottom of the page at http://www.dsmith.org . I have two
more Technical Tidbits coming on shielded magnetic loops. When the series of 4
articles is finished, it will be obvious that apart from measuring in the far
field (in this case I mean much farther from the antenna than the size of the
antenna which can be much further than the conventional definition of 1/6
wavelength) there are serious limitations on shielded magnetic loops due to
their lack of E field rejection in many cases in the near field. You can also
see my 1999 IEEE EMC Symposium paper at:

Signal and Noise Measurement Techniques Using Magnetic Field Probes (~600K pdf

Technical Tidbit - June 2008
The Square Shielded Loop - Part 2, Parasitic Coupling
(Electric Field Shielding of Magnetic Loops Is Not Always Effective!)

Abstract: Shielded magnetic loops are used to reduce electric field coupling
to the loop and square magnetic loops are useful for coupling signals into a
PCB or measuring noise in a circuit. However, significant electric field
coupling can still occur with shielded loops. One case of electric field
coupling between a pair of shielded loops is presented which results in a
significant resonance between the shielded loops. Such a resonance can cause
errors in signal injection used for troubleshooting circuits.



     ___          _            Doug Smith
      \          / )           P.O. Box 1457
       =========               Los Gatos, CA 95031-1457
    _ / \     / \ _            TEL/FAX: 408-356-4186/358-3799
  /  /\  \ ] /  /\  \          Mobile:  408-858-4528
 |  q-----( )  |  o  |         Email:   d...@dsmith.org
  \ _ /    ]    \ _ /          Web:     http://www.dsmith.org

- ---------------------------------------------------------------- This
message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society emc-pstc
discussion list. Website: http://www.ieee-pses.org/ 

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     ___          _            Doug Smith
      \          / )           P.O. Box 1457
       =========               Los Gatos, CA 95031-1457
    _ / \     / \ _            TEL/FAX: 408-356-4186/358-3799
  /  /\  \ ] /  /\  \          Mobile:  408-858-4528
 |  q-----( )  |  o  |         Email:   d...@dsmith.org
  \ _ /    ]    \ _ /          Web:     http://www.dsmith.org

- ---------------------------------------------------------------- This
message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society emc-pstc
discussion list. Website: http://www.ieee-pses.org/ 

To post a message to the list, send your e-mail to emc-p...@ieee.org 

Instructions: http://listserv.ieee.org/request/user-guide.html 

List rules: http://www.ieee-pses.org/listrules.html 

For help, send mail to the list administrators: 

Scott Douglas emcp...@ptcnh.net Mike Cantwell mcantw...@ieee.org 

For policy questions, send mail to: 

Jim Bacher: j.bac...@ieee.org David Heald: emc-p...@daveheald.com 

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