I do not know of any document that states the intended "primary
usage", but my experience indicates the most common application
seems to be as a reference for the factory FUS audit. All
agencies, NCBs, CBs, NRTLs, TCBs, etc that I deal with have a
corresponding form that is called the 'CDF' or something similar
as part of the certification documentation. I also consider the
'CDF' an essential element of a Technical Construction File.

The other common usage, as you suggested, is for initial
assessment of the product.

So typical usage would seem to be
1. Conformity assessment
2. Construction audit

As no one will still be conscious after reading this, I can
safely admit that I once wrote a CDF for my dog and cat...


From: emc-p...@ieee.org [mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org]On Behalf Of
Scott Xe
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 7:09 AM
To: emc-p...@ieee.org
Subject: Constructional Data Form, CDF, in test report

 I notice that the LVD test reports almost always have a
Constructional Data Form section.  The form containing components
is provided from the client.  Some people said those are the
critical components and very useful if you need to verify the
correlation between the sample and the test report.  Can someone
advise is it the primary usage of this section.

Thanks and regards,



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