
The answer to your second question is 'no'. 

With respect, you seem to have missed the point that the NLF has no direct 
bearing on manufacturers - it is a set of rules and principles for legislators, 
enforcement agencies and accreditation bodies. 

You can be forgiven for failing to understand this, others have made the same 

However, in practice what it means is that if you are a manufacturer, you can 
essentially ignore the NLF and focus on what is in the directives and 
regulations themselves. Competence is not legislated for in any of the New 
Approach directives, nor is any such requirement introduced in the current set 
of proposed amendments which will align several of the older Directives with 
the principles of the NLF. 


On 20 Feb 2012, at 22:45, Brian Oconnell wrote:

> I concur that, for now, the principle that "self declaration remains the
> basis of the system" remains in place. How should the requirements for
> competence and accreditation be addressed? 
> Conformity assessment requires:
> 1. Internal product control
> 2. Recurring product testing
> The presumption of conformity is based on the competence to perform these
> two activities. Will NB audits be the only acceptable way?
> Brian

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