Hi Brian:

On 2/26/2013 10:06 AM, Brian Oconnell wrote:
More good stuff from Mr. Nute. And more questions from the peanut gallery.

1. Other than the SPD and flame test issues, what where the problems that
the TC had with the 1st edition?
Too numerous to list.  That's why its taken several years
to develop edition 2.
2. Is TC108 still scheduled to vote in March?
Not TC108, but country national committees to the IEC.  I
don't know the exact date, but, yes, March or something.
The USA National Committee has voted "yes."  I don't know
the voting record for other countries.
3. Do organizations such as UL and CSA have the influence to get the next
building code updated (NEC and CEC) to specify 62368-1?
UL and CSA simply adopt the standard as a UL or CSA
standard (with national deviations).  At some point in
time, they will withdraw their 950 and 65 standards for
new product certification (which will force new products
to UL/CSA 62368-1.  UL will submit their UL/CSA 62368-1
for an ANSI standard.

The NEC does not specify product standards; it states
that products must be "listed."  No comment on CEC.
4. 62368-1 says components having 60950-1 reports/certs are acceptable, and
the UL seminar said that no diff for component requirements. So why are
agencies charging 25% more for a component report that contains only one
additional drawing and two additional test pages compare to the ITE report?
Are we paying to train agency engineers?
Cert houses are money-making organization.  They charge
for their services, including two additional test pages.
They market the right to use their mark.  Their product
is some sort of document such as a listing report.

Yes, we pay to train cert house folks just as your
employer pays to train you in using a new standard.

Best regards,


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