1. John Woodgate makes an excellent point regarding why didn't the manufacture
know about the Standard Changes.

2. Does the manufacturer build to the customer's prints and requirements? If so,
why didn't the customer know about the Standard Changes?

John Shinn

-----Original Message----- From: John Woodgate
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] standards update and legal madness

In message
, dated Fri, 8 Nov 2013, Brian Oconnell <oconne...@tamuracorp.com>

A company makes a component for North American market designed for the needs of a single customer. The company received notices from CSA and UL with tabulation of standards corrections. The company informed affected customer of time and cost to update.

H'mmm. Why didn't the manufacturer know about the changes to the
standards? Or is it a case of a running product that now needs to
conform to updated, **improved** standards? That's how the real world
works, not how the inhabitants of Planet Legal might like it to work.

The company then receives letter from the customer's legal dweebs - they want to see complete list of organizations and individuals that "contributed to the errors" that caused a mandatory update to the standard.

I'd be inclined to say that the culprits, if there are any, are UL and
CSA and their managers! Standards committee members offer their work for
approval at several stages in the organizations before the work is

There is a big and vulnerable assumption that 'errors' are involved, but
a defence based on 'state of the art' can be problematical because the
legal people who have to present the case, however intelligent, cannot
possibly absorb all the background that is involved in determining
'state of the art'. For example, what has been done once, or even a
hundred times, in a university laboratory isn't state of the art in the
real world. It's only state of the art if you can buy it or manufacture

The company's customer is considering pursuing a tort for lost opportunity and professional incompetence. Has this ever been done? Has a member of a TC/WG ever been served with a subpoena for this stuff? Is this stupid or just insane?

It is beside the point but in Britain the British Standards Institution
has legal protection against such an action.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. With best wishes. See www.jmwa.demon.co.uk
Nondum ex silvis sumus
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK

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