
There is no Declaration required for the GPSD, so the question does not arise. 

Charlie is correct that the GPSD is a catch-all which applies where other 
safety directives such as those which require CE marking do not, but it’s 
probably also worth making two other points:

1. The GPSD gives enforcement officers powers relating to product problems and 
recalls which they do not have under the CE marking Directives. These powers 
extend to products covered by the CE Directves. 

2. The GPSD is not a single market directive so Member States are free to 
introduce national requirements for products which it covers. 



On 31 Jan 2014, at 16:19, Scott Xe <> wrote:

> Charlie,
> Thanks for your useful info.  Is it correct to have either CE Directives or
> GPSD in the DoC?  In general, the CE Directives have their harmonised
> standard to reference.  For GPSD, it does not have the reference standard so
> what we should put in the DoC?  State the guidelines or national standard if
> any.
> Regards,
> Scott
> On 30/1/14 5:10 am, "Charlie Blackham" <> wrote:
>> Scott
>>> Is this directive applicable to all products?
>> No - it's more of a catch-all for consumer products not covered by other (CE
>> marking) directives.
>> More information  
>> Article 3.3 of the GPSD discusses the hierarchy for demonstration of
>> compliance through application of standards and/or other documents.
>> Regards
>> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Xe []
>> Sent: 29 January 2014 03:34
>> Subject: [PSES] General Product Safety Directive
>> Hi
>> Is this directive applicable to all products?  If the product complies with
>> the standard listed in OJ, the product is considered in compliance with GPSD?
>> If I cannot find any relevant harmonised product specific standard for
>> verification, how can the supplier demonstrate the product in compliance with
>> GPSD?
>> Best regards,
>> Scott

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