Neither the LVD nor the EMC Directive require the Declaration to accompany the 
product so all you are legally obliged to do is to make it available to the 
authorities on request. Making it available via a web site is (in my view) a 
good idea. 

Some of the directives (e.g. Machinery, ATEX, R+TTE) require the declaration to 
accompany the product when it is shipped to the end user and so for products 
within the scope of these directives, paper copy is a mandatory requirement. 

The answer to your final question is that, strictly, if product carries the CE 
logo, the authorities are required to assume that it complies with the 
directive unless they can prove otherwise. In practice, of course, they have 
powers to demand information which in effect places the burden of proof on the 
manufacturer. If you think there is a possibility that customs will holsd up 
the shipment the supplying a Declaration witht he product seems like a simple 
measure to minimise the likelihood of this happening. 


> On 28 May 2015, at 21:43, Ron Baugh <> wrote:
> I have a question that has been presented to me for several years now and I 
> need this groups help.
> When we ship our products to the end user and our products meets all of the 
> LVD requirements (per IEC/EN 60950), we place a physical copy of our D of C 
> with EACH terminal. 
> I have been ask if we could put our D of C on our company web site and make 
> reference,  physically  on the shipping box to the web address where our D of 
> C would be posted. 
> The issue I need help with is this….. does the D of C have to be shipped 
> physically with EACH product in the shipping box OR can the shipping box have 
> a web address printed on it to direct the end user to our D of C?
> Also, if the D of C is NOT physically in the shipping box, how does the 
> country customs inspector know if we meet the required EU LVD requirements?
> Thanks
> Ron Baugh

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