Hi Gary,
I believe that we are discussing very different processes. Our industrial 
battery chargers fall under a "compulsory" category in Japan.
We started with a long detailed review of all of the equipment in the factory, 
leading to a factory inspection, and finally, full EMC emissions testing 
in-country.  The whole thing was very slow, and frustrating, with a lot of 
back-and -forth  discussion.

Technical  communication was not possible with technical staff due to language 
restraints. All  discussion was possible with administrative staff only, who 
passed the information to the engineers. Answers to questions were sent back 
through the administration staff, adding to delays.

Hmmm, do I sound unhappy?  ; )

Best Regards,
Brian C.
Brian Ceresney
Regulatory Lead
Delta-Q Technologies Corp.

My own opions are represented here, not those of Delta-Q Technologies.

Phone: +1.604.566.8827
E-mail: bceres...@delta-q.com<mailto:bceres...@delta-q.com>
Website: www.delta-q.com<http://www.delta-q.com>

From: Gary McInturff [mailto:gary.mcintu...@esterline.com]
Sent: August-20-15 10:22 AM
To: Brian Ceresney <bceres...@delta-q.com>; EMC-PSTC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG
Subject: RE: EMC requirements for Korea

That has not been my experience in the past with Japan via VCCI. One joins with 
VCCI as an associate(?) or something and they will then take reports from you, 
but the labs VCCI registration numbers need to be included. I sent the data and 
really overnight I had notice that they received it and I was on my way. 
(presuming this was data within the last 6 months, nobody will take really old 
data of a year or more) While I found it annoying that I would have to pay to 
be part of a "voluntary" program I suppose they have to pay the data entry 
folks, I found the process smooth and seamless.
But it has been a few years, and we were talking about ITE equipment without 
intentional transmitters etc. So things may have morphed. Korean on the other 
hand - I just don't have anything nice to say about their process and test 
voltage restrictions.

From: Brian Ceresney [mailto:bceres...@delta-q.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] EMC requirements for Korea

Hi Rob,
With regards to your last statement - Japan also will retest EMC at their 
in-country lab, in spite of an accompanying EMC test report. I suspect that 
there are other such countries as well.

Also, be prepared for a long wait in Korea and Japan, while the testing is 
done, and results reported. It can take months, and the approvals are not 

Best Regards,
Brian Ceresney

Brian Ceresney
Regulatory Lead
Delta-Q Technologies Corp.

My own opions are represented here, not those of Delta-Q Technologies.

Phone: +1.604.566.8827
E-mail: bceres...@delta-q.com<mailto:bceres...@delta-q.com>

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