Can be rather messy to track materials traceability for all critical stuff. A 
better solution is to use a production site that is also subject to CIG and/or 
a routine factory FUS audit, where they build from drawings that were submitted 
as part of your product assessment process. Out-sourcers (is that a word?) that 
have a QMS typically have a formal process and doc requirements for this.

Also, UL, CSA, et al, have some specific programs for some processes and/or 
material types that will not come from the applicant or the 'recognized' 
vendor. The Klingon High Command requires that all second-source suppliers be 
certified via the Rite of Ascension.


From: Doug Powell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 4:20 PM
Subject: [PSES] Outsource Manufacturing Supplier Certs


Does anyone here have experience with outsourcing or contract manufacturing 
function and a program to pass along certificates of the materials used?   I 
know this can be managed and I'm not even certain what a program/process like 
this would be called.  ​For example, when a manufacturer builds subassemblies 
like circuit boards or custom magentics, safety critical materials they use 
must ​be inspected prior to assembly (optocouplers, wire, fuses, connectors, 
etc.).   Evidence of inspection for these materials in the form of certificates 
may need to be passed along when these assemblies are shipped to the end 

I am interested to learn what points should be considered to monitor this 

​Thanks, Doug


Douglas E Powell

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