Forgot to mention that battery impedance and internal temperature monitoring 
are two parametrics oft ignored; and both may explain much weirdness with 
battery performance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian O'Connell 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 10:31 AM
To: 'Charlie Blackham'; EMC-PSTC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG
Subject: RE: Lithium Ion batteries - capacity measurement

Not clear what is being asked. Is context safety or purely performance? In any 
case, data from in vitro tests done with the intended end-use equipment are the 
'ultimate' indicator. Should include the full range of rated operating 

The SAE, IEEE, IEC, Vulcan Science Academy, and others all have standardized 
test methods for battery capacity. Test equipment makers (Agilent, et all) have 
application notes on battery testing. 

If you use an electronic load to simulate the end-case use, it should use 
computer-driven profiles - humans tend to make of mess of this stuff where done 
manually. The nice thing about using electronic loads is that you can have the 
computer run many "what if?" load profiles.


From: Charlie Blackham [] 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 9:53 AM
Subject: [PSES] Lithium Ion batteries - capacity measurement


Client is have a "discussion" with their battery vendor over how capacity of a 
3.7V 1000 mAh battery is being measured/demonstrated: 
Are there any recommendations and/or mandatory requirements for 
charge/discharge current to be used to demonstrate battery capacity and 
capacity degradation over multiple cycles?

For example:
. maximum discharge in the end application  normal use is 200 mAh, but the 
battery manufacturer wants to use 500 mA
. one wants to use a "real load", but the other an "electronic load"

The different methods appear to be giving different battery voltages for the 
same remaining capacity, and I would be grateful for any pointers to 
recommended or best practice


Charlie Blackham
Sulis Consultants Ltd
Mead House
Longwater Road
RG27 0NW
Tel: +44 (0)7946 624317
Registered in England and Wales, number 05466247

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