Hi John (et al),

I noticed with quite interest your statement on the Euro-English; do you think that is where it shall go within the next years, eventually ?

I'd appreciate if you would provide us with other (many please) examples of -factually wrong- but common phrases as found in EU language, be it legal text or standards text.

As a not-native speaker these alterations of the "offcial British Enlish" go noticed for me (but for some), and i think it is important  to have a list of these available. In my current job at the EU i encounter all kind of non-native speaker created English language constructions, not always fully in error, and if one wants can understood as meant, but do create confusions in some cases.

So please, all UK and of course all US native speakers, use your Friday spare time and let us all know what you have found, if possible with some explanation, if not evident.

I will create a list and re-publish for the use of all.....


Gert Gremmen

On 23-8-2019 9:40, John Woodgate wrote:

Two points:

  *  EN standards are not 'European Norms', which were/are a very old
    set of standards to do with the Coal and Steel Community, a
    forerunner of the EU. ENs are 'European Standards'.

  * Nominally, 'British English' is used, but since no-one knows
    exactly what that is, few people bother. There is also
    'Euro-English', which has a few word-forms that are not used by
    British English native speakers (e.g.  'within the next days',
    different meanings of 'respectively' and 'eventually').

Best wishes
John Woodgate OOO-Own Opinions Only
J M Woodgate and Associateswww.woodjohn.uk
Rayleigh, Essex UK
On 2019-08-23 08:01, Doug Powell wrote:

I haven't written a Friday Question in some time, so here is a new installment.

With the exit of Britain for the European Union (Brexit), I find it interesting but not surprising that English remains one of the official languages, at least for now. For many years there has been a large body of documentation provided in English and indeed, many of the European Norms are based on IEC standards originating in French & English. I wonder, will this policy change in the foreseeable future?

It has been my practice to tell clients that the minimum requirement for translation of user document(s) and product markings is they must first be in one of the official languages and upon request by the end user, the local language becomes a requirement as well. I haven't checked in some time, but the Machinery Directive may require this without end user involvement. In some cases, local regulatory requirements may dictate which languages must be used for specific information especially involving EHS. Incidentally, a good friend who is in Planetary Aeronomy and Astro-geophysics has told me, if you know just one of a handful of languages, you can just about go anywhere in the scientific world community; these being English, French, German, Japanese and possibly Russian.

So now there is the question of which "English" is the official language of the EU, British (Cambridge) English?  I suspect that Brits, Aussies and Americans will all have no trouble understanding one another, even with differences in spelling, grammar and possibly idioms. Or as Wikipedia puts it, these are "mutually comprehensible" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dialects_of_English). I noticed one form of English not mentioned in the Wikipedia article, Texas.

All the best, Doug

PS - The bottom line, every Tom, Dick and Harry should avoid cliché at all costs.


Douglas E Powell

doug...@gmail.com <mailto:doug...@gmail.com>

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Independent Expert on CE marking
Harmonised Standards (HAS-) Consultant @ European Commission for RED and EMC
EMC Consultant
Electrical Safety Consultant

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