
This happened 20+ years ago so don't shoot me.

An outside vendor was supplying the Operator Interface Console for
our new Ultrasound machine. This console was a slick EMC design,
each of the 11 or more rotary encoders that used low power CPU's that
went to sleep after rotation. I was told the PIC chips were parasitic
powered to reduce EMC. Wow, nice considering diagnostic Ultrasound
was essentially a multi channel sub-microvolt receiver with a piezoelectric
transducer as the patient antenna.

The new machine was failing RE on the 10m OATS and the operator
interface console EMC Engineer came to visit us to see why.
"How good are your 360 degree shielded connectors?" "We don't know."
The EMC Engineer then looks at us and says some to the effect,
"Oh goody, this is the part I like the most." He whips out his pocket knife
and starts pealing off the hard plastic over-molded connector...
The project engineer and myself looks at each other with our mouths
hanging open while the connector was being dissected - and then the
EMC guy cuts himself. I felt bad for him, he was a "sharp" EMC
engineer and he did find the problem.

Moral to this story - Don't cut yourself!

Dave Garnier - Retired GEHC

Dave Garnier - Retired GEHC

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