I absolutely agree with Charlie because many “small importers” often have 
absolutely “no idea” of their responsibilities in law. “Been there, done that” 
as a private purchaser of electronic  “stuff” from the Far East” from such 
importers in the UK that had supplied “non-compliant” kit – and so had to point 
out to them “the error of their ways”, and that was even before Brexit!


OTOH,  when I was in “gainful employment” I used to (or try to!) teach both my 
employers and  “general industry” (designed and ran “CE compliance” courses at 
reputable consulting and certification companies) and tried to emphasise and 
reinforce the need for compliance with their legal obligations – and thus the 
need for written, solid and enforceable & legally-binding agreements and 
documentation .


John E Allen

W. London, UK  

From: Charlie Blackham <char...@sulisconsultants.com> 
Sent: 06 May 2021 21:09
Subject: Re: [PSES] EU Authorized Representative service for Market 
Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020


Strictly speaking the manufacturer doesn’t need a formal agreement with the 
Importer, the importer take on that responsibility under the Directive as soon 
as they import something from manufacturer who is not in the EU


The problem is that many “companies who import” don’t know that they are 
“importers” with responsibilities as defined in the directive


The obligations on the importer are clear (in the Directive) and should be the 
responsibility of the importer alone, but experience of market enforcement is 
that these “companies who import” are doing what is required (and probably 
don’t know they need to as they may be importing products falling under 
multiple directives) and of course the “manufacturer” has their name on the 
product and packaging and is easy to identify


Reality and best practice may well dictate that a written agreement is best way 


Best regards



Charlie Blackham

Sulis Consultants Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)7946 624317

Web: https://sulisconsultants.com/ 

Registered in England and Wales, number 05466247


From: Carl Newton <emcl...@gmail.com <mailto:emcl...@gmail.com> > 
Sent: 06 May 2021 20:43
To: Charlie Blackham <char...@sulisconsultants.com 
<mailto:char...@sulisconsultants.com> >; EMC-PSTC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG 
Subject: Re: [PSES] EU Authorized Representative service for Market 
Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020


Yes Charlie.  I used the AR term loosely.  There are five types of operator 
that qualify.  Manufacturers still need a formal agreement with one of them.

Best regards,


On 5/6/2021 2:33 PM, Charlie Blackham wrote:

You don’t have to have an Authorised Representative as long as you have an 
importer who is prepared to act as an importer as defined in the NLF aligned 
Directives (such as current RoHS, EMC, LVD, RED etc.)


Best regards



Charlie Blackham

Sulis Consultants Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)7946 624317

Web: https://sulisconsultants.com/ 

Registered in England and Wales, number 05466247


From: Carl Newton  <mailto:emcl...@gmail.com> <emcl...@gmail.com> 
Sent: 06 May 2021 16:31
Subject: [PSES] EU Authorized Representative service for Market Surveillance 
Regulation (EU) 2019/1020


Can anyone in the group offer one or more references for an Authorized 
Representative service within the EU that will satisfy the requirements 
mandated within Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020?  This comes into 
effect on July 16.  Please feel free to contact me directly at the CC email 
address above if you prefer.

Thanks very much,



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This message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society emc-pstc 
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<emc-p...@ieee.org <mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org> >

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For policy questions, send mail to:
Jim Bacher <j.bac...@ieee.org <mailto:j.bac...@ieee.org> >
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