 I get a error message when I start EMC2 
"STEPGEN CHANNEL 0 the requested max velocity 34999 steps/sec is to high"
I'm running Gecko G210 stepper drivers @ 10us microstep with nema 42 , 200 step 
motors * 5 tpi ball screw and 2.5 pulley ratio=25000 input scale. 
My computer 566 celron seems to have a latency of 19us 
I'm trying to use the DIRHOLD=2 with a BASE_PERIOD =28000 as suggested on the 
wiki tweaking software step generation
It seems to work ok when I clear the error message.
Should I back off  the microstep to 5us or half step or full ?
Also only 128 megs of memory,the computer seems to function, a little slow on 
say scrolling in box's , could this be a problem?
STEPGEN_MAXVEL =                1.4
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL =              21.0
I also gave it this head room as suggested in the integrator manual
I hope this is anough info
   Thanks  Al
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