Kirk Wallace wrote:
> Would money actually help promote EMC? Maybe barter would be better. A
> developer needs something. Puts in a request for it on the wiki. Some
> one needing let's say,a control panel engraved agrees to send the
> something if some else agrees to engrave the panel. Maybe a want/got ad
> list would be good enough.
> I guess, to really address the question, you have to define the
> question. Does EMC need to be better? If so in what way? What are the
> possible solutions.
Money would promote EMC. However, like any other business deal your
friends start to thin-out when $ become scarce.
As far as promoting goes, these guys are doing a great job:
However, I don't think their design or end product is what I am looking for.

What I think your really getting at is; "How do we help the EMC
users/community with the skills we have?"

I like the barter idea, but I think it would benefit some more than others.
I am a software/hardware engineer, so I don't have a lot of experience
with machining, business, or trade.
I got EMC running a small router/mill with-out any problems at all, just
by reading the existing documentation.
My router/mill would not be able to do much as far as commercial quality
This is just a hobby for me right now, but it would be great to have
experienced machinists provide a low cost service to the EMC community.

"Does EMC need to be better?"
>From my software perspective, to answer that question we need something
to compare...
What does other software have that EMC does not?
What would you like EMC to do? (Can this feature be accomplished with
something EMC already has?)
(Remember that feature-creep can kill a good project if not handled

I'm curious, do we have a way to know how many people are using EMC and
for what purpose?
Like a poll... As an engineer, I like to know that my project is being
used, otherwise I start to loose interest.

- Dave

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