i was gonna use pixies.  and i have a scope, an old tektronix dual trace,
only problem is it was recently through a flood, and i havnt cleaned it out
and i'll probably have to replace a bunch of pots i think, hopefully the
varialbe caps will be alright.  it hasnt been in calibration for 20 years,
so its a 'near idea' tool, i need to get around to cleanin it out and all,
but between lack of time and dreading how its gonna look, i still havnt.
the manual says +/- 9V max for the servo control.  i was wondering, if
anyone might have some source to datasheets or anything for the sanyo
denkis, ive googled the model numbers and havnt gotten very far.

i found a little piece of software for reading encoders for running a DRO on
a manual machine, i think that will do the trick for testing the encoders,
i'll run to radioshack when im out and about and buy the parts to hook it
all up.

On 10/1/07, Jon Elson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Coleman wrote:
> >
> > I recently purchased (actually still have to get the damn thing moved!)
> > an older Hitachi Seiki VM-40 VMC, which has some damage and the computer
> > is going senile as i like to put it.  As you've probably already figured
> > out, this is where EMC is coming into the picture.  I am planning on
> > replacing the control with a P4 2.6 rig, 1 gig ECC ram PC with a mesa
> > 5i20 card.  I have seen discussion of using a filtered PWM signal to
> > drive a servo amp, and was wondering how accurate this would be, and if
> > it was a viable option to buying a servo amp interface.  If not that,
> > could a DAC be used?  I'm still cloudy on how the servo amp works with
> > the signaling and stuff, but trying to learn none the less.  The servos
> > are Sanyo Denki BL Super, 1.3 kw for x and y and 2.8 for Z,
> First, you need to find out what the old controller sent to the
> servo amps to control them.  If it is +/- 10 V velocity
> commands, then it would be best to drve that with a real DAC.
>   spindle is a
> > mitsubishi freqrol VFD on a 7.5 hp 6000 rpm motor.
> Again, you need to check out what the control sent to the VFD to
> control speed, but likely 0 to +10 V for 0 to max speed.
>    after I get those
> > working, I'd like to get the tool changer fixed, one of the problems
> > with the machine, the Y axis either encoder or amp malfunctioned, and
> > ran the spindle into the tool changer arm and bent it up.  and I need to
> > figure out if its the encoder or amp, but I should be able to hook the
> > encoder's a and b to a parallel port and find out right?  and use the
> > parport to hook up the handle, its a 100 count encoder in a little box
> > with XYZ 1 10 100 buttons.
> >
> it might be time to buy a second-hand oscilloscope on eBay.
> > I plan on starting individual threads when I get things together (money
> > for a mesa card, getting the machine moved...) and run into problems.
> > really looking forward to using emc, and glad I found it before I went
> > with mach.
> You probably could not run this machine in the intended servo
> mode with Mach.
> Jon
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