Eric H. Johnson wrote:
> Sebastian,
> It is a problem for down the road, not on my current project. I am not
> currently trying to do laser writing / engraving but would like to do that
> in the not too distant future. 
> The fist approach I took was to use the spindle, but I ran into a number of
> problems there, particularly that the other axes would "stutter" when trying
> to fairly rapidly change the spindle speed. It has been a while since trying
> it that way, so maybe I should re-examine that approach.
> The other thing I like in using Z is that it gives a good 3D rendition when
> used for a back plot / live plot. Not that it would be a problem to
> interpret the S parameter the same way Z is interpreted in the UI.

The laser control issue is a red herring, that is just distracting
people.  The HAL lines you wrote in your initial post should work just
fine, whether you use the Z to control the laser or completely ignore
it.  Get to the bottom of that problem FIRST, then start thinking about
the next step.

Too much speculation, not enough data!


John Kasunich

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