
> Then that is exactly what your kinematics code will need to do -
> subtract the movement of q2 from q3, q4, and q5 (possibly multiplied by
> some scale factor if the mechanism isn't 1:1).

  I think they are 1 to 1 in degrees. I understand why they built it 
this way. Simple and cheap, and all the motors are in the base rather 
than out in the arm. I think the original training mode was point to 
point. Move all the joints individually to here, memorize this position, 
move all the joints individually to there, etc.

> It requires programming, but not terribly complex programming.  There
> isn't any existing kinematics module that does this, but if I were you I
> would start with a renamed copy of the puma kins, study it till I
> understand it, then add whatever extra math is needed.

Then I guess I will embark on my first C programming project ever over 
the Xmas break!

  Thanks John and Jan.


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