To all EMC2 users and enthusiasts:


In coordinating with Dale Grover off list I offered to print up some
backdrops for the EMC presence at NAMES here in Toledo, since there's a kind
member with a CD duplicator in our midst negating the need for my previous
offer of assistance, and I still wanted to lend a hand.  So now I reach out
to the list for your help - I need PICTURES of your machines!  Lots and lots
of pictures!!! (well not too many.)  I'm thinking machines of all shapes and
sizes, from custom builds to conversions, wood routers to behemoths,
anything that has EMC2 moving it around.  The higher res the better, I'm
aiming at 24x36 plots.  So clean up your shops, take some good pics and we
can showcase the variety of machines running on EMC2.


Thoughts for additional information to accompany photos (will either be
printed on the sheet or a card/plaque type stickon):

1.      Your name & location (so you can be properly credited)
2.      The type of machine (eg: Bridgeport conversion, Self Designed Wood
Router, Cincinnati 5 Axis Mill, Southbend XxZ custom conversion, etc.)
3.      System specs (steppers, servos, travels, etc. - whatever you want to
mention - I think vendor plugs should be ok - if not someone please let me
4.      Commercial/Production or Hobby machine
5.      Basically enough information that whoever is standing at the booth
isn't fielding questions - a web page if you've got one dedicated to your
machine would probably be great too.


Email pics to me off list at : Greg dot Michalski at distinctperspectives
dot com or contact me there if we need to work something out for a large
(nice HIGH res pic) file transfer.





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