Kent A. Reed wrote:
> Gentle persons:
> Copying to user-provided flash drives instead of handing out CDs is a 
> great idea, especially because it makes the user participate actively 
> rather than just grab reflexively.
> Just remember that
> 1) it is incredibly easy to propagate viruses and similar badness via 
> USB flash drives, although *probably* less so with a Linux host than a 
> Windows host. I'd want to do the copying on an isolated, protected host.

PROBABLY? This statement is very disturbing to me since in all my 15
years of using and advocating Linux I've never seen one (virus). Systems
broken into from the Intenet yes, but no virus.

Running dd or some such in Linux is not going to introduce ANY virus to
a storage device nor is it going to read and execute infected file from it.

> 2) the .iso file is ~700MB. I'm always surprised to discover how much 
> space I've already used on whatever USB flash drive I happen to have in 
> my pocket and I usually find I have to delete something to make room for 
> the latest. The clock will be ticking away while making sure there is 
> adequate space and while actually writing the .iso file.

Writing CD image or files of that size to USB memory is not practical
for a trade show. Simply too slow.

> Neither of these issues is a show-stopper, but I always expect that the 
> worst is most likely to happen on those occasions I'm dealing with a 
> live audience (a variant of Murphy's Law?) and I've rarely been 
> disappointed :-!
> Regards,
> Kent


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