So, are you saying that it can't presently be done because no one has
written the hal components to do it?

I have searched the archives and found very little.

FWIW - this machine uses steppers and no encoders.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Elson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 11:28 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] syncing two motors to one axis

Len Shelton wrote:
> So let's say you have two drives, two motors, and two home switches on the
> same axis (gantry type machine). The problem with this arrangement is
> synchronization. The control needs to be aware of the two motors and needs
> to home both at the same time. While homing, we need to bring both motors
> towards the home switches together then independently home each motor when
> it reaches the home switch. 
> How can this be done in EMC2?
We've gone over this a dozen times, at least.  It would take about 10-15 
lines of HAL and several HAL components to perform the logic.
Basically, you make the two motors run at the same rate.  As each motor 
hits the home switch, it stops.  When both have touched home, they move 
together again to complete the precision home sequence to the encoder 
index pulse.  EMC2 already has features in HAL to handle tandem axes 
like this, once homing is done.  You feed the lettered axis (as in "X") 
position to two numbered "joints" as in zero and one.  So, the only 
detail up in the air is how to do the homing.


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