Hello Gentlemen,
this is mainly to the EMC developers.

Since January I have tried to get my steppers run smoothly and evenly. I 
wrote several mails to the list on this problem, but received little echo. 
Now I seem to be near to the solution which might be of interest to the 
developing team.

My steppers rattled and lost steps regardless of the conditions I gave 
them. I've changed almost everything in the setup to get the motors run 
correctly. Result: No cure for the problem of "rattling steppers loosing 
steps" (name of my former thread).

- I tried 4 different motherboards from 350 MHz Intel to 2.4 GHz AMD
- I tried 3 newly installed harddisks with two different live CD's 
downloaded 2008 and 2009
- I tried running EMC from the live disks directly
- I tried all this with two different driver boards
- I tested all axis independently and in common
- I made a LED test plug for the printer cable to visualize the timing with 
little sockets to access the signals with a scope probe
- I changed the order of pulse and direction output at the pins of the parport
- I commented all "reset" lines in .hal to switch off doublestep like I was 
- I varied the parameters of steplen and stepspace in .hal up and down to 
extreme values
- I had a friend (informatics expert) do all this again to exclude my 
person as the source of trouble (which is the most likely cause of computer 
- I looked at the pulses at the parport with two different oscilloscopes 
and found that the pulses came rather irregularly (the old scope couldn't 
even trigger it).

Finally I noticed: only 3 successive pulses (5 us) came with a constant 
pause in between, the fourth pause  was twice as long which caused the 
motors to dance a 5/4 waltz no matter what speed I chose. This could be 
influenced only by varying the microstep rate from half to 1/4 or 1/8 step. 
The longer pause seemed to appear then as the eighth or the sixteenth one 
correspondingly (hard to get a steady picture for counting them on the scope).

To put it shortly: I found no solution and came to the conclusion that 
nobody in the world ever tried running steppers with EMC stepconf because I 
never heard anything about it and nobody answered to my mails about it. All 
this troubleshooting took me about two months since I sometimes have to 
earn some money, too, and almost all my nerves.

Note that I did all this with the "test axis" function of stepconf because 
this is a very convenient way to see the result of parameter variations 
immediately. Now, yesterday evening it occurred to me that stepconf 
apparently ignores settings in .hal and .ini files that I made with the 
editor when going beyond its apparent default limits. I made a micky mouse 
G-Code list and tested this with axis instead of stepconf, ad lo and 
behold! the problem was solved! (A little time jitter was still present but 

I resisted my instant urge to dance on the table only because there was no 
space on any table. Can you imagine, by the way, what my house looks like 
meanwhile? My wife told me that if I wouldn't get all the equipment 
mentioned out of the way (I piled it up in 3 rooms), she would, which could 
become a serious case - wars originated from lesser causes.;-))

Seriously: After all my efforts I am inclined to exclude all other causes 
of the misbehaviour than stepconf. Is it really true that nobody ever 
reported problems with the "test axis" function of stepconf? Maybe it has 
been fixed in 2.3? I have the impression that it must be a minor bug when 
counting the pulses because there is a connection with the microstep feature.

I am aware that expositions now have caught all the attention of the gang. 
But when NAMES and EMC expo are over, please someone would have a look at this?

Thank you for the learning

Peter Blodow 
Emc-users mailing list

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