It sounds like there isn't a proper line termination character at the end of
the lines.  I'm not sure what emc needs, probably a linefeed, and you
probably have a carriage return.  An editor like "vi" should show this.  If
not post the file as an attachment so we can see it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> Sent: Sunday, 28 June 2009 2:03 PM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: [Emc-users] Error with new program.
> Hi
> I load new program and start getting errors. Program was 
> long, so I took first part -20 lines and tried to run it. I 
> still have error massages.
> Here is my program
> %
> g17g40g49g80
> g91g01g55x0y0z0f15
> g90g1z0.2f10
> g0z0.250
> g1x17.418y37.3699f10
> z0.123f7.3
> z-0.148f2.7
> x17.240y36.613f3.7
> x17.094y35.154
> x17.085y36.731
> m0
> %
> problem is that after I load that file into EMC2 line 6 and 7 
> joint to line 5 and in command line it looks like that:
> g0z0.25g1x17.418y37.3699f10z0.123f7.3
> why line 6 and 7 joint line 5?
> Consequently I got error - Two g codes used from same modal group.
> I used  "; " after each line to indicate that line end, but i 
> got error bad character ";"
> How I can show that line end?
> That problem related so I put them together.
> Thanks
> Aram
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