
>Dear Jan
>>Check this chapter in the manual:
>>Regards, Jan
>3.7 Calling Files
>To call a file name the file the same as your call and include a sub and 
>endsub. The file must be in the directory pointed to by PROGRAM_PREFIX
>    o<myfile> call (a named file)
>    o123 call (a number file)
>In the called file include the oxxx sub and endsub and the file must be a 
>valid file
>    myfile.ngc
>    o<myfile> sub
>    ...
>    o<myfile> endsub
>    M2
>If I interprete that correctly, I shoud be able to do this:
>Let's assume I have these files:
>engrave.ngc, bevel.ngc, inner.ngc, outer. ngc, home.ngc 
>I so, I woul generate another file, let's call it master.ngc with about te 
>following content:
>omaster.ngc call engrave.ngc
>omaster.ngc call home.ngc
>omaster.ngc call bevel.ngc
>omaster.ngc call home.ngc
>omaster.ngc call inner.ngc
>omaster.ngc call home.ngc
>omaster.ngc call outer. ngc
>omaster.ngc call home.ngc
>However that fails, why?
I haven't tried it, but one thing to note is that the <> are necessary 
around a named O-word or parameter.

Also, the manual might be a little unclear since it looks like the text 
in parentheses is part of the command.  I think what the instructions 
are trying to say is that the master file should do a call with the name 
of the subroutine file:
O<engrave> call
O<home> call

And the subroutine files should be like this:
O<engrave> sub
(your engraving G-code goes here)
O<engrave> endsub

O<home> sub
(your homing g-code goes here)
O<home> endsub


Try it and let us know if it works this way.

- Steve

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