Hi Jeff,

I would have replied earlier but I blew up my X11 settings and it took 
me this long to get it working again...

> is one of two things: you have lots of tiny moves,

Yes. There isn't much choice in this. To even get a simple offset circle 
you need to generate lots of short lines.

> or you did not
> properly calculate your K values.

I don't /think/ I did. For this job, K gets rather confusing. However 
changing the spindle speed affects the results so I would guess that K 
isn't the problem.

> emc's spindle synchronized motion is more or less the traditional motion
> planner, but using spindle angle instead of time to control the forward
> progress.  Specifically, it has the same behavior when there are a lot
> of small segments: it will plan each individual move so that it can stop
> by the end of that move and stay within machine constraints.

Is there any way to trick the motion planner into thinking the machine 
has infinite acceleration during synchronized cutting? As long as you 
are careful with the code, following error shouldn't be too bad.

> emc and gcode don't, but of course hal does.  You could create a
> component which offsets the commanded X according to the spindle angle
> and the shape of the cam.
 > The component would include the mathematical
 > description of the cam shape, r=f(theta)+r0.

Hmm, interesting idea. Not too bad for a simple circular cam but 
unfortunately I have been supplied with CAD drawings and they are wacky 
profiles. Several different profiles, all one-offs. Is there any way for 
a RT component to read a file when it initializes? I could store the 
profile in a text file which I could generate with SheetCam.


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