I don't agree with that.
I like to have the user interface in mm only, doesn't matter if I load one 
of my programs, or something I received from across the pond :)

The real answer actually is: either way there will be a group of people that 
won't like the default behaviour (either switching or non-switching)
So maybe it could be defined in .axisrc somehow.


> On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 20:17:09 -0500, you wrote:
>>> Additionally - difficult to tell what's going on, lathe is set up in mm,
>>> when running a G20 file, DRO's and feed still display in metric units :(
>>You can pick whichever display units you want in the menu.
>>With AXIS you can have any combination of units: inifile units,
>>gcode program units, dro displayed units.
> Hi Chris - thanks found inches/mm in view menu. As Les said it would be
> good if it changed with G20/G21 automatically.
> Steve Blackmore
> --

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