
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 1:14 AM, sakthivel M <> wrote:

> Hi,
>    i am new to EMC2 may be my question is silly i have created a circle
> using g-code
> [G2 X0 Y0 I5] how can i interface this x and y axis to parallel ports.
You have your answer to this question. EMC2 will connect the g-code to the
parallel port.

> Also i am try to create a circular motion using g-code
> by using 2-axis x and y then using this axis i need to control stepper
> motors. can any one help for this.
If you have not installed Ubuntu and EMC2 on your computer you should
download a live CD version, burn it (bootable) to a CD, boot your computer
from it in your CD drive and run EMC2 on your computer.
You will then be able to start EMC2, choose a stepper simulator and see how
EMC2 make the connections.


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