On Saturday, July 24, 2010 12:04:21 pm Viesturs Lācis did opine:

> 2010/7/24 s...@highlab.com <s...@highlab.com>:
> > I think the issue is the lucid rtai kernel doesn't boot all the
> > computers it's been tried on.  But i dont really know.
> > 
> > It's working fine on the two machines i've
> > tried.
> > 
> > It's available here:
> > http://www.linuxcnc.org/mozmck/
> I also have tried RTAI packages for Lucid from the link above on 2
> different PCs and both times they worked just fine. After that I
> installed EMC 2.4.0 and also 2.5~pre and both of these versions are
> working great with these packages.
> Viesturs
This is beginning to sound promising!

Cheers, Gene
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