Is anybody out there using Martin Schoeneck's Eagle2HAL configuration

I'm writing up my Logitech gamepad Joggy Thing for Digital Machinist and
realized that it's *much* easier to talk about circuit diagrams than
lines of HAL code. I remembered Martin's work and decided that if I was
going to draw schematics, I might as well get the HAL code for free.

An email to the address given on the wiki page seems to have vanished
(no bounce, but no reply after several days). A search for 

"martin shoeneck" eagle

produces exactly one hit:

The main URL is essentially blank. Now, Martin may be on vacation,
but ... it sure looks like an orphan project to me.

So far, I've updated his hal-write.ulp script to handle (some of) the
new devices introduced in EMC 2.4.x, added a few devices to
hal-config.lbr, and am slowly figuring out how the whole thing works.

I can take the changes far enough to scratch my itch, which is basically
handling halui / hal_input device configuration. The intricacies of the
schematic he used as a testcase / example / demo are *far* beyond what I
need or can verify!

Has anybody else been tinkering with Eagle2HAL? Any suggestions on what
to do or how to do it?



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